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Installation on new computer frequently crashes the application


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So, I finally retired my old computer (Windows 7) and bought a new one.  I installed fs9, did it while logged on as administrator, and it starts normally just as before.  I'm working through minor issues with assignments and such; have not yet transferred my hangar of additional aircraft.  


But, now, it repeatedly crashes the application suddenly after 5-15 minutes of running.  No warning, the application just closes altogether.


Any idea what causes this or what to do about it?


Thanks in advance!



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My experience with these exact symptoms was to adjust the Compatibility setting for FS9.exe to "Windows 7".

I'd had it set to "XP" before but, after having to replace my SSD, the inevitable rebuild of W10 left several applications "rather flaky".

Hope this helps.

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This little utility may help -



As mentioned, checking compatibility may help, as well as limiting the exe to single core operation.  There's no magic bullet here, FS2004 is finicky and what works on one system may not work on another;  I've spent days reconfiguring graphics after changing vid cards, sometimes merely updating drivers means an evening of tweaking.

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Did you read my 1st post of this forum?

I take it you have Windows 11 as you say you have a new PC...

What solves most issues is:

1. Installing into another folder,, NOT the default folder.

2. As above, run in compatibility mode

3. Run as Administrator.


That should sort the issues out.

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Thanks to everyone for trying to help.


Wobbie; yes I did, but could not install into C.  I tried twice.  It gave me an error.  So I installed into the default folder.  It is installed (W11, as you guessed) logged in as administrator.  


Is the point of installing into C directly to be able to edit the aircraft files while logged in as a user?


I set the compatibility to W7, tried a flight in the Kingair but it also crashed the application.  I then switched to compatibility with Win XP SP3.  Two different flights, also the Kingair, both crashed.  In the meantime I've been occupied with troubleshooting other settings problems, and making some progress. Finally I tried once more Cessna 172. That flight was short, only 10 minutes at most, but at least the settings are getting better and the application did not crash.


Is there anything else to set in the fs9.exe properties?


Thanks for all your help.



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3 hours ago, nadlzfw said:

Is the point of installing into C directly to be able to edit the aircraft files


Win10 and Win11 place very strict security and permissions requirements on anything installed in any Program Files folders;  any software not specifically written for this will have issues. Windows may block a program from copying, moving, deleting, or editing its own files;  it may even block the program from running at all.  So only install Win10/11 native software in Program Files;  older software can go anywhere else.

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🙃 Mark & myself do agree to disagree with this. (running in compatibility mode/admin), but it works perfectly for me, so, whatever works for you.....


No problem if installing as C:\Flightsim 2004 (as an example)

Also, the 9.1 update & 9.1 patch must be installed as well.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 v9.1 No-CD Patch for FS2004 (flyawaysimulation.com)


Flight Simulator 2004 Update v9.1 (flyawaysimulation.com)


So, install into C:\ FS2004

FS9.1 update

FS9.1 patch

FS9.exe in Compatibility mode

FS9.exe run as Administrator


That works for my FS9 installs, and, as I only have a 512GB SSD, I run my sims from a 2TB portable drive


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Many thanks to all the community for taking the time to offer advice.


I had not understood that it is possible to create a new folder within C and place the files there.  That now makes sense.


So, I will copy the fs9.exe and fs9.cfg currently in use, nuke the current installation, and reinstall the simulator while logged in as the user.  I'm hoping for better success.


It may be a day or three before I will be able to report any progress...but I will eventually report what I have accomplished.  Life continues regardless of my fs addiction!


Again, thanks to all!





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6 hours ago, Airbasil_1 said:

Maybe also install the 4GB Patch as your sim can crash because of Memory issues... 


the 4GB Patch should be solving this... 


you'll find that one here: 


The FS9.1 update may be the critical one - it fixed a number of crashing issues in certain parts of the world.





My co-pilot's name is Sid and he's a star!

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I'll check before doing anything, but I firmly believe that my discs are already 9.1.  I used them without ever updating to 9.1 for more than ten years.


I will consider the 4GB patch as necessary after the new installation.  As above, it may be a few days yet till I have a chance.





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No, the discs are not 9.1

9.1 was an update that came later. 

The file fs91upd.exe is for updating FS2004 from version 9.0 to version 9.1. You do not rename the fs9.exe file before you do that. THEN AFTER you have done the update you rename the exe file and download and install the no-cd patch.


Update Enhancements

  • Addressed slow frame rates for flights repeatedly in and out of a common area. Frame rate decreases have been corrected by fixes to Autogen scenery behavior and memory allocation.
  • Addressed product stability issues that were due to changes of season in particular airport environments. Users will experience stable and consistent behavior when changing the time and season across any of the airports at any level of scenery detail.
  • Addressed additional product stability issues tied to various features throughout the product.
  • Addressed issues with configuration file updates to make sure all option changes are reflected during subsequent launches.
  • Restored support for 19 meter digital elevation data as was supported in Flight Simulator 2002.

So, once the 9.1 update is installed, the FS9.exe must be replaced with the updated exe that should have been downloaded as well (see the above links)


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Ok, progress:


Logged in as user, I installed again into C:FS2004, no problems.

Installed the 9.1 update, no problems.

Removed fs9.exe and replaced it with the no-cd equivalent, no problems.

I did not bother with the 4GB patch, but I'll do that in a day or two.

I transferred the fs9.cfg that I had been using on the W7 computer.

Set a bunch of key assignments and settings from memory.

Made a test flight; KNFW to KMWL, a common test flight for me in the C172.  Absolutely no trouble at all.  0.4 in the logbook.  I'm thrilled.  Only one flight, but 1 for 1 is a great start.


A few incidental questions:

*  I set compatibility to Windows 7...was that a good choice?

*  What does setting fs9 to run as administrator do?

*  Where does the simulator store my settings, key assignments, etc?  I thought it was fs9.cfg, but that's not so.

*  What is the keyboard assignment for reverse thrust?  I could not find it in the list of commands.


That's it for now.  I will pick it up again tomorrow, maybe.  Many thanks to all of you.



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Compatibility mainly affects file handling, which has changed since XP days.  With some programs it doesn't matter, with others it does;  a try-it-and-see setting.


Run as admin removes permissions issues outside of Program Files folders.  Recommended for anything predating Vista.


On my system, fs9.cfg in the fs2004 folder is used, but many files are kept in your user "My Documents/Flight Simulator Files" folder.


On my jets reverse thrust is just throttles all the way back;  but in the aircraft.cfg must be "reverser=1" and "min_throttle_limit=-0.35" (the negative value gives you that much reverse thrust when the throttles are all the way back, value varies with aircraft).  Not aware of a key command for this, though there is a gauge that will automatically activate spoilers and reverse thrust when the nose wheel touches down.

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5 hours ago, jgf said:

Run as admin removes permissions issues outside of Program Files folders.  Recommended for anything predating Vista.

This shouldn't be done. It will screw things up.
Same with compatibility mode. FS isn't like running other games but you can't argue against Robin. haha
Permissions, authentication, authorization, these have all changed in Win 10/11. You need to understand how these work and people don't.
I can only warn but do as you please. 😉

Mark Daniels
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Well, for me, Running in Compatibility mode & as Admin has never 'screwed' anything up, neither my freeware nor payware add-ins. 

Never, in over 50 installs of FS2004. 

As said before, I've agreed to disagree with Mark. 


I'm using XP compatibility mode. I'm sure that it does not make any difference by using any of the others.


My fs9.cfg is in my C:\Users\{user}\Appdata\Roaming|Microsoft\FS9

My key settings are there, at the bottom of the FS9.cfg listing


a super quick way to find FS9.cfg is to use a program called 'Everything' from voidtools.

It's a replacement for the Windows search, that is far quicker, & searches as you type.



Often, FS2004 issues can be sorted by deleting the FS9.cfg & restarting the sim. This rebuild the FS9.cfg, BUT key assignments will be lost, EXCEPT when using FSUIPC to assign all keys & buttons.


I use FSUIPC to set all my key assignments, & it also has a lot more settings & key assignments that FS2004 does not have.

It is now freeware, and was initially a payware program.

Pete & John Dowson's Software (fsuipc.com)  -halfway down the page!


So, try the suggestions, if they work for you, great!.

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1 hour ago, wobbie said:

Well, for me, Running in Compatibility mode & as Admin has never 'screwed' anything up, neither my freeware nor payware add-ins. 

Never, in over 50 installs of FS2004.

I've explained this to you. Your wonderful Win 10 completely broke FS9 for people running integrated graphics. FS9 could no longer be run. You were one of them. FS9 could be run without issue on all other operating systems. Win 10 killed it.

FS9 shouldn't need to be run with any compatibility settings for people who don't use integrated graphics. You recommend it to everyone. It will only cause problems and there is absolutely no need for them to do this. Running compatibility settings is also a "workaround" but at a cost, it is not a "fix."

Here's the first time something will not work for you as it should but did before Windows 10:

Install AI Separation. Once you use your settings, it won't connect to FS9. It won't connect for you, it won't connect for me, it won't connect for ANY user who uses your settings. It absolutely will connect if you don't run your settings and will work as intended.
Your settings just broke it. The harmless change you think you made no longer allows FS9 and AI separation to communicate.

Changing compatibility especially with programs that need to interact with each other and on occasion, with themselves or even with Windows can and absolutely do fail. It commonly occurs and FS9 and it's add-ons are not exempt.

The, "it worked for me so it must work for everyone else" is poor logic Robin.
How many people might've followed your settings with no need and then sat there for hours trying to google why their AI Separation isn't working?

  • Haha 1
Mark Daniels
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Weird... Earlier on, you post 



 & now you criticize my advice!!


I'm using Windows 11, Mark!


As I said, 'FOR ME, IT WORKS!! without ANY issues!!


By the way, FS2004 works with both my AMD integrated graphics as well as my GeForce RTX 3050 GPU.


It's not MY settings, it's actually what has been posted on Running MS Flight Simulator 2004 on Windows 10 PC. - Microsoft Community 

(in the original post, then also further down within the comments)


The proof is by installing into the FS2004 default directory -- FS2004 Does not work!

By installing into any other directory, still does not work, without the patch & crack.

I don't use AI Separation - I've not found a use for it at all.


Apart from your comments, I have not seen ANY, not 1, nada, ziltch complaints from anyone who has managed (or not) to get FS2004 working with ANY of the newer Operating Systems by using what I suggest!.


I've debated this issue with you, many times before, I'm not getting into a public debate with you again.

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Over the years I have found FS2004 to be very finicky, its problems and solutions very system dependent.  I've spent hours tweaking vid driver settings, six months later i update the vid drivers and must start all over.  Solutions that work on one person's system may not work on another's;  there are few "absolutes", even "expert" articles do not agree;  ultimately do what works for you.


Some years ago I walked away from FS entirely for a while, tired of all the incessant tweaking, fiddling, stroking it took;  felt I spent more time tweaking than flying.  Install one scenery, screw up two others;  optimize a setting for this, it screws up that.  If modern iterations of FS have improved this situation, I would say that is their major achievement.

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