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Adding SP1and SP2 to a replacement FSX installation

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Sorry  Charlie, I posted earlier (still can't get used to the new layout of the site, (but, I will keep still about that)!!


I purchased a like new FSX Deluxe program on Ebay. I would very much like to add SP1 and SP2 prior to installing the aircraft. The newer sim is dated 2008, I have a virgin copy of an acceleration disk,dated 2007 which would have both SP1 and Sp2 on it, are the two years compatible with each other? OR, do you have site(s) which you can recommend for downloading both prior to me dropping all my alrcraft?


Sorry to be a pain, but I'd like to get this right the first time. A lot of work, but, I do enjoy the simming!


AND, as always, thanks for all your help! No hammers please, (not yet anyway) !!!



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😵‍💫  Now that I'm totally cunfuddled and befused....I don't see why you couldn't use the Acceleration disc with the 2 new Deluxe discs you purchased on Ebay.

All you do is give it a try.  Get Deluxe running first and then try the Acceleration disc.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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cunfuddled and befused, where did you learn that one? One more like that I will have to stop the project! So, do this while flight sim is running or just installed and capable of running?


Thanks my man! And no mention of the sledge hammer!


























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Your last statement is confusing.  Load disc 1 and then 2.  It then should let you enter the Product key codes.  Test run the Sim to make sure it works.

End the program and then try loading the Acceleration disc.

Still thinking about a new flightsim only computer!  ✈️

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Got it Jorgen, I have had the acceleration disk for years but never installed it . I knew that the disk would offer both SP1 and SP2 , but didn't load it because at that point, I had downloaded too many add-on aircraft, Now, I am having to reinstall flight sim and want to download the acceleration disk in the right order!


We'll soon see if the plan works, I don't want to bother Mr Zippy anymore!


Have a super day!  - Rick 

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