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[Club Chachapoya] About Club Chachapoya


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Club Chachapoya. Everyone welcome, you don’t need to be a member. If interested, you can join for free. A typical aero club with a clubhouse including a Flight Briefing Office (FBO) and pilots lounge. Free tea and coffee, a drinks fridge (soft drink, beer, honesty box for payment). Drop in to have a chat with others, have a snooze in the various comfy lounge chairs. Also has a bunkhouse with cheap accommodatation if you need a bed.


The below list of activities will be maintained here for convenience, with the threads in the FS2004 forum, prefixed with ‘[Club Chachapoya]’. Some activities are individual pilots reporting their adventures, others are events where anyone can do their own flight in the theme and are invited to post reports.



No. Activity. Current

10. Paris. Inactive.

  9. Helifest 2024. Helicopter. Active, 5 Aug – 15 Sep.

  8. Deserts and mountains (Jun 2024). Active.

  7. Round the world flight by Lancaster (May 2024). Active.

  6. Gulkana (May 2024). Inactive.

  5. Flying east - Panama Canal (May 2024). Inactive.

  4. Meigs or bust (Mar 2024). Closed.

  3. The 2024 Australian Air Rally - The FBO (Jan 2024). Closed. (Official site)

  2. Route 66 air rally (Oct for 1 to 30 Nov 2023). Closed.

  1. Bendix. How about a simple Challenge Flight for us Niners? (Sep 2023). Closed. The Next Challenge... (Oct 2023).


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